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#6 (78), December 2012 To increase


#6 (78), December 2012


Kashagan at HomeStretch

Kashagan at HomeStretch

The North-Caspian project has become this autumn a major newsmaker in the oil and gas industry. One of the main intrigues of KAZENERGY Forum held in early October in Astana was the question: whether production at Project No 1 for Kazakhstan – the giant Kashaganfielddiscovered 12 years ago on the Caspian Sea shelf – will start in the next year.

A Strategy of Growth at Dunga

A Strategy of Growth at Dunga

While specialists and mass-media are riveted by megaprojects such as Каshagan and Каrachaganak, small producing companies in the west of Kazakhstan have been increasing their potential in recent years, making competent investments and building their businesses. One such company is Maersk Oil Kazakhstan GmbH, branch of Danish Maersk Oil, which on December 1 will start commercial oil production from Phase II at the Dunga field near Аktau. Моrten Kelstrup, Managing Director of Maersk Oil Kazakhstan GmbH, shares the company’s components of success with Petroleum.

The Caspian Without Investors

The Caspian Without Investors

 This is not yet mass flight of investors, but already is not a single refusal. The efforts of the Kazakhstan’s government on the development of riches of the Caspian Sea shelf do not yet bring desirable results: except for the large-scale Kashagan project the production from which is promised to start in March of the next year, other projects are skidded, while investors curtail their activity.


Enhanced and Improved Oil Recovery

Enhanced and Improved Oil Recovery

Providing unmatched capabilities for understaning the subsurface, optimizing development and maximizing resource value


“A green economy” operates at Karachaganak

“A green economy” operates at Karachaganak

A strategy of Kazakhstan’s transition to the “green economy” will be elaborated in the middle of 2013.
Nursultan Nazarbayev's initiative on the transition to the “green economy” and a partnership program “Green Bridge”, which was approved by the world community at the UNO World Summit “Rio + 20”, will become the main guidelines for the next years both for the nature protection department and for the country’s subsoil users.


Laws Governing International Commercial Arbitration in Kazakhstan and Associated Risks

Laws Governing International Commercial Arbitration in Kazakhstan and Associated Risks

The main statute governing international arbitration in the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter "RoK") was introduced in 2004. However, the growing interest in the resolution of disputes by means of international arbitration is only a recent development. In addition to those who would traditionally pursue this route, such as foreign companies or subsidiaries located in the RoK, an increasing number of Kazakhstani companies are considering international arbitration.

Key Features of the Engagement of Foreign Labour in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Key Features of the Engagement of Foreign Labour in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan, like many other countries, has an established permit procedure for employing foreign workers.  In this case, obtaining a permit for engagement of foreign workers is the responsibility of an employer.

In practice employers frequently commit violations when engaging foreign workers owing to incomplete knowledge of the appropriate procedures.  Most of these violations involve fines for employers and have a negative impact on the engagement of non-residents in the future.  Often, employers do not have a holistic view of all phases of the process of engaging such workers.

Press Release

KPO Completes Construction of Secondary School in Uralsk

Uralsk, Western Kazakhstan Oblast.

 4 December 2012 –Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) has announced that a new secondary school #37 for 1200 pupils built by the company as part of the state programme “100 schools, 100 hospitals” in Uralskof the Western Kazakhstan oblast was successfully put into operation.

Total amount of KPO investments in this social project $2.9 million. The Uralsk construction company “Zhaikselstroy” was the main contractor of the project.


Chevron’s Educational Programs in Kazakhstan

Chevron’s Educational Programs in Kazakhstan

Chevron's community engagement programs are strategic investments in the future of communities and our business success – across cultures and continents and amid complex socio-economic environments.

Integrated Complex Projects Management Practice of HMS Group

Integrated Complex Projects Management Practice of HMS Group

Both in Kazakhstan’s oil and gas sector as well as that of the Russian Federation, there is an increasing demand for highquality services in implementing complex projects for development and delivery of sophisticated technological systems and turnkey facilities construction (EPC1). While implementing large multilevel projects, oil and gas companies are actively working at costs optimization and selection of the  most efficient design and state-of-the-art technical solutions.

HMS Neftemash and Kazakhstan: 9 Years’ Partnership

HMS Neftemash and Kazakhstan: 9 Years’ Partnership

For about a decade oil and gas companies in Kazakhstan  have been maintaining partnership with Russia-based HMS  Neftemash JSC, a reliable supplier of oil and gas equipment,  incorporated in one of the largest HMS Holdings Group Inc.

Energy Week in Kazakhstan: Large-Scale Plans, Impressive Figures

Energy Week in Kazakhstan: Large-Scale Plans, Impressive Figures

The 7th KazEnergy Eurasian Forum

Early October has been traditionally passed in Kazakhstan under the sign of energy.  “World in Transition: Shaping Sustainable Energy Future” was the key topic of the 7th KazEnergy Eurasian Forum held on 2-3 October 2012 in Astana.