News 2019
February 2019NCOC
Atyrau, Kazakhstan, 4 February 2019 – Mr. Richard Howe today officially takes up the position of Managing Director, the top executive officer of the North Caspian Operating Company N.V. (NCOC).
Mr Howe succeeds Mr Bruno Jardin, who has served as NCOC's Managing Director since December 2015. Mr Jardin was named an Executive of the Year in 2018 by the American Chamber of Commerce in Kazakhstan in recognition of the numerous milestones achieved by the Kashagan Phase 1 project under his leadership.
Mr Howe has extensive international senior management experience in the oil and gas industry, including 18 months as NCOC's Production Operations Director, and his assignment comes with the unanimous support of NCOC's shareholders.
Mr Howe said "I'm looking forward to this challenge and to building further upon what the organization has accomplished under Bruno's leadership. In his tenure he has made worker safety a top priority, and I share that goal. He transitioned NCOC from a construction organization to one that is producing 340 thousand barrels of oil per day now with high reliability. I see my job as continuing to improve on that reliability, to ensure a safe and successful maintenance turnaround this spring, to ensure new growth opportunities for this project moving forward, and to make the Republic of Kazakhstan and our Shareholders proud of NCOC."
Please read Richard Howe's biography: