Editor❜s Note
The key topic of today's issue
![Oleg Chervinskiy](/imgdb/article_3/article_3_1866_5586.jpg)
The key topic of today's issue is the oil refining industry (existing) and petrochemistry (which we have been trying hard to create over the past decade).
What are we doing wrong? Why has Kazakhstan not become an exporter of petroleum products after an expensive program of modernization of domestic refineries? Will there be enough raw materials for gas chemistry in the country, and will we be able to compete with our neighbors Russia, China, and Uzbekistan in sales of manufactured products? Why did officials bury millions of dollars in creating chemical-oriented free economic zones, and Kazakhstan still imports basic chemical products? Questions, questions…
There are also successful cases that we talk about. One of them is the modernization of the Shymkent Refinery. As a result, the refinery yield, the volume of output, and its quality were increased. For the first time, the Kazakhstani AVC Group applied unique know-how for remote engineering – AVC Lens technology, which made it possible to successfully carry out planned repairs of complex equipment at the Atyrau Refinery in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, Kazakhstan is preparing to implement several serious petrochemical projects with Tatneft. Will the sanctions imposed on Russia affect the plans? More questions.
We are looking for answers to some of them together with invited experts. Contact the editorial office if you want to participate in the discussion and express your opinion. To be continued....
Best regards,
Oleg Chervinskiy