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The goal - to become financially stable, economically effective and dynamically developing company

#5 (71), October 2011 special issueThe goal - to become financially stable, economically effective and dynamically developing company

Kenzhebek Niyazovich, at one time you were at the origins of the state company Kazakhstancaspishelf, which as a part of the same name international consortium conducted a seismic survey in the Kazakh sector of the Caspian Sea (hereinafter - KSCS).

Today you are heading KazMunayTeniz.

The Oil Chronicle

#5 (71), October 2011 special issueThe Oil Chronicle

Zhaikmunai LP, engaged in oil and gas production in the northwest of Kazakhstan, completed construction of a gas refinery.


According to the press- release, the working commission consisting of the representatives of Zhaikmunai, its contractor KazStroyService (KSS), general developer of the project NIPINefteGas and seven state departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan, took an official decision that the plant’s construction is completed in accordance with the Kazakhstan standards and is ready to be submitted to the state acceptance commission for a final acceptance.

Operations on the Shelf are Accelerating

#4 (70), October 2011 special issueOperations on the Shelf are Accelerating

The Kazakhstan sector of the Caspian shelf has the huge proved reserves of oil. As a result of geological and geophysical study, over 120 prospective structures were revealed the forecasted resources of which are estimated at 8 billion tons of conditional fuel, including 4.5 billion tons of oil.

Fears are Groundless, Partnership is Mutually Beneficial About the so-called «Chinese threat» to the Kazakhstan’s oil and gas assets

#4 (70), October 2011 special issueFears are Groundless, Partnership is Mutually Beneficial About the so-called «Chinese threat» to the Kazakhstan’s oil and gas assets

Recently, the question is actively exaggerated in the press on the increased share of China in the development of Kazakhstan’s hydrocarbon resources and about the ostensible sale of natural bowels to the detriment of our republic’s interests.

In many respects, the underlying reason for the rousing interest is characterized by extreme politicization in the sphere of economic activity that always negatively affects its efficiency.

A New Orbit

#4 (70), October 2011 special issueA New Orbit

Timur Kulibayev, the chairman of the board at Samruk-Kazyna National Welfare Trust, JSC, has never been one to search out the limelight, but this summer he unexpectedly became the focus both of the Kazakhstani and the Russian media. The fact that the Russian press, though spoilt for choice, put this influential Kazakhstani oil magnate on their front pages shows that the events involved were one of a kind.

About Karachaganak, Каshagan, Gas and Modernization of Oil Refineries

#3 (69), June 2011 About Karachaganak, Каshagan, Gas and Modernization of Oil Refineries

On April 21, the online-conference on the theme «Investment Projects in the Sphere of Oil and Gas» was held on portal ( with participation of the Minister of Oil and Gas of the RK Sauat Mynbayev. Petroleum journal offers its readers the shorthand report of this conference.


− At what stage are negotiations with the shareholders of the consortium developing the Karachaganak field? When the agreement with this project participants will be achieved, in your opinion?

Only Local Purchases!

#2 (68), April 2011 special issueOnly Local Purchases!

Svetlana Akhmedbekova, director of Industrial Department for Kazakhstan Content of JSC National Agency for Local Content Development NADLoC, answers the following questions for Petroleum.

- What is the dynamics of the purchases of goods, works and services (GWS) by subsoil users in the mining and oil and gas industry from the Kazakhstan producers for the past year?

Missed Opportunities

#2 (68), April 2011 special issueMissed Opportunities

At the end of the last year, with no special pomp and ceremony, has had its chips one of the most ambitious state programs adopted in Kazakhstan for 20 years of independence – the State Program for the Development of the Kazakhstan Sector of the Caspian Sea (ESCS).