The role of Kazakhstan as strategic partner and supplier will only grow
#2 (80), April 2013 special issue
Bruno Jardin, Managing Director of ExxonMobil Kazakhstan Inc., answers the following questions for Petroleum
- ExxonMobil is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its presence in Kazakhstan. In fact, the company came practically at the same time when Kazakhstan gained its independence. Jointly with the country, your company has walked a long path of success and achievements. On the eve of your anniversary, which achievements would you like to highlight?
The Growth Strategy of KazMunayGas
#1 (79), February 2013
On the eve of the new year the board of directors of KazMunayGas has approved a Strategy for Development of JSC National Company KazMunayGas. The company’s strategic goal is to enter the number of the world’s 30 largest oil and gas companies by 2022. The company’s mission is defined as providing maximum profits for the Republic of Kazakhstan from development of the national oil and gas industry.
On the Agenda
#1 (79), February 2013
At the board of the Ministry of Oil and Gas of the RКwith participation of the Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov, which was held on January 28 in Astana, the 2012 results have been discussed and the agenda for the oil and gas industry for the current year has been formulated.
Oil Chronicles
#5 (77), October 2012 special issueОСTOBER 2011
On October 5 in Astana the chairman of the board of JSC SamrukKazyna NWF T. Kulibayev has presented a new chairman of the board of JSC NC KazMunayGas. Каirgeldy Kabyldin was replaced by Bolat Akchulakov, who earlier held the post of general director of PSA LLP. Bolat Akchulakov was born in Guriyev (nowadays, Atyrau) on April 9, 1971. In 1993 he graduated from the Kazakh State Academy of Management; economist. He worked as a chief economist at АlemBank Kazakhstan, director of Tengiz project department of JSC NC Kazakhoil, executive director of JSC NC KazMunayGas. He held the post of Vice-Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and managing director of JSC Samruk-Kazyna NWF. Since July 2010, he is a general director of PSA LLP.
Lyazzat Kiinov: We Should Be Equal Among the Strong
#4 (76), September 2012 special issue
Ten years ago, the national oil and gas company, which has received the name of KazMunayGas, was established in Kazakhstan. It has united all large state assets in the sphere of exploration, production, processing and transportation of hydrocarbon raw materials.
Energy security cooperation between the EU and Kazakhstan
#4 (76), September 2012 special issue
The European Union highly values its dynamically developing partnership with Kazakhstan, which is a strategic EU energy partner in the region. Over the years wehave made solid progress, mutually benefiting from the EU-Kazakhstan Memorandum of Understanding on Co-operation in the field of Energy, discussions on energy in the part-nership and co-operation framework, a series of EU-Kazakhstan nuclear co-operation agreements, energy assistance projects, including the INOGATE programme, as well as co-operation in the areas of clean coal, energy efficiency, and renewables.
About Energy Strategy: Winners Take All
#3 (75), June 2012
Vladimir Lenin defined the ideal society of the future as “Soviet power plus electrification of the whole country”. A hundred years have passed since then but the world is more and more convinced that the power can be different, but without electricity there will be no bright future.
(Re)Thinking conceptually about Energy Security: Energy Insecurity in Eurasia as Politico-Economic Structural Diversity
#3 (75), June 2012
Energy security is a matter of serious concern across Europe and the countries of Eurasia. Of course, the perspectives of states in these regions can differ somewhat on what constitutes energy security. For EU member states like Germany or the United Kingdom, energy security is about security of supply and keeping energy prices below a level that causes social and economic harm.
KazTransGas: Zero Pollution and Safety
#3 (75), June 2012
KazTransGas has been present in the energy market for over ten years and plays a strategic role in the national economy development. The Company sees its major tasks in ensuring uninterrupted gas supply to domestic and external consumers, extending the gas transport network and developing new markets. KazTransGas JSC has entered a new level of activities.
Kazakhstan: Between CES and China
#3 (75), June 2012
Three former Soviet republics – Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus – enter the second decade of the 21st century in new conditions: in the conditions of the integration union being formed on the basis of mutually beneficial economic partnership. At that time when the Customs Union was formed, almost the whole world economy was in a state of financial crisis. This was also was one of the main reasons for activization of integration processes between our countries.
Oil As a Reserve
#2 (74), April 2012 special issue
Russiais going to form a strategic reserve of oil - a "stash" put aside for a rainy day and simultaneously, according to the plan of the Russian officials, an instrument of influence on world prices for "black gold." Should Kazakhstan follow this example, especially if the two countries have been sharing a common economic space for almost a year?
The Country’s Black Gold
#6 (72), December 2011
According to BP Statistical Review of World Energy, by the confirmed oil reserves as of June 2011, Kazakhstan today is the world’s 9th largest country and it has all grounds to expect their increase in future given the estimates of our geological stocks and a large-scale geological study.
The Territory of Abundance
#6 (72), December 2011
The 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan’s independence is an occasion to appraise how efficiently the republic has coped with a task to transform the gas branch from a component part of the All-Union fuel and energy complex into an independent system.
Meeting Global Energy Challenges - A Chevron Eurasia Perspective
#6 (72), December 2011
From independence to this very day Chevron is very proud to have witnessed the growing role of Kazakhstan on the world stage. Indeed, these past 20 years have been exciting times for Kazakhstan, our company and our industry and it’s been a tremendous and rewarding experience to contribute to the country’s nation building and to lead one of the most significant and successful partnerships in the region.
The Discussion Platforms of the Kazakhstan’s Oil and Gas Industry
#6 (72), December 2011
The current state and prospects of development of the country’s oil and gas sector have been discussed at two traditional Forums held in this autumn in Astana and Almaty.
On October 4-5, the VI Eurasian KAZENERGY Forum was held in the capital of Kazakhstan under the motto: «Kazakhstan: 20 Years of Sustainable Growth, New Horizons for Investments and Cooperation». With welcoming speeches to the Forum participants addressed Karim Massimov, Prime Minister of the RK, Timur Kulibayev, chairman of KAZENERGY Association and chairman of the board of JSC Samruk-Kazyna NWF, and Gunther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Energy. The first section devoted to the energy geopolitics of Eurasia was moderated by Mr. Kulibayev, with Larry King, the CNN legend and presenter of «Larry King Live» (1985-2010), being as co-moderator.
Kairgeldy Kabyldin, KazMunayGas: Our goal is to be among the 30 largest oil and gas companies in the world
#5 (71), October 2011 special issue
In early September, Kazakhstan marked three important dates with much fanfare: the 100-year anniversary since the start of production at Dossor Field, 50 years of Mangystau oil and the 25th anniversary of Kumkol field.
With a history in the oil and gas industry of over 110 years, today Kazakhstan is one of the top ten leading countries in terms of hydrocarbon reserves, while it takes 16th place in terms of production.